Feature(may vary by option.)

●#165 in Bike Musette Bags



Product Description

The popular series of the US in the country is fulfilled with land in Japan. In addition to a bag-in-bag design, it can also be used as a shoulder strap. A versatile new model that has been used to meet the needs of urban life. Thin gusset design that looks smart when worn on the shoulder. Consists of 3 compartments, allowing you to store small items neatly while separating them. A large size of TRIPLE ZIP POUCH.

Brand Story

1983年にNYのメッセンジャーカルチャーから誕生したバッグブランド。「New York Tough」をスローガンに掲げ、あらゆるライフスタイルと時代の変化に対応した様々な商品を世に送り出し続けています。