
●Wooden body/Siam Oak Wood Front Board
●Blast Lines for 3 suneawaiya (interior)
●Large rubber feet for stability
●Size: 30.5 cm w x 30.5 cm D x 46.35 cm H
●Set Includes: lp1442 – BK/Soft Case/Splash Cymbal Cymbal Stand


Product description

Professional tom LP in color taste rich grass.
In fact you; you are released from the LP entry model of the grass where they have been a hit, "lpa1331" like feel and almost equivalent sound and balanced for comfort.
The interior features sunappi- (Blast Lines), the three locations are equipped with a fine zyara suneasaundo with a bus, and a weighted bass hutchinsonian separately as well that are smooth grass.
quirks that you dont just feel the sound coming out of the impression that there, so from now on, who want to start over the grass and simple easy to understand the sound you want, like, recommended for percussionists.
Grass is perfect for if you want to because they are the items in the traffic, but the 4 colors colors available of the wood grain looks and personality. A hammered or if the the impression.
* Colors are in 4 colors, a little close to the yellow-green hue) BK (black), BL (Blue), GN (Green: RD (Red).

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