Feature(may vary by option.)



* If you have available when you order depending on your monitor. * Hand made to order delivery time is from 3 to 5 weeks and is. Material Description: ■ Please try to use the saddle leather and has saddle leather (tanned Bull Leather) native steer, and leather material. Has a tukuri上geru saddle leather for a few months in the process, so that require high volume production, precious leather. Is one of the most popular material, you will know that youre redmoon people that you are not?.. Also available in Natural Color is amber renowned even to change time. Also, BK, CB has leather leads as the "core" "Pass through" after you have so it is dyed and natural way to dye up to time. You can enjoy the change. ■ Oil Leather Oil Leather is from the native steer (Bull leather) with a mixed leather and finished material and so used to have a perfect softness and suppleness from the first on ease of use the features you need. Also, many not included with the oil, so basically for maintenance free use and has the unique gloss increases more than years after use.