Feature(may vary by option.)

●Product form: Emblemish type / Total length 31.5 inches (80 cm)
●Power Parent and Child: Equipped with a power parent-child swivels that boast the strength of all the time. The power of the blues will not be too bulky to make the connection with your precious tail. It is designed to prevent line trouble
●Hooks: No. 6
●Hooks: No. 5
●Harris No. 6
●Core thread (no): 8
●Disposable yarn (no): 5

[No. 6]

[No. 4]


◎HD300 ぶっこみ胴突飲ませ 移動式2段鈎 ●カテゴリー堤防·砂浜(仕掛) 泳がせ ▼製品形態 堤防·胴突式 全長80cm □袋入り数 2本鈎2セット ◆鈎種·色 チヌ管付白