Feature(may vary by option.)



Your new favorite trail running and hiking shoe. Comfort, protection, lightweight, grip, traction, natural movement All rolled in one piece.


If you want to tackle the trail of comfort and safety, then you want to do it with TerraFlex.

What makes TerraFlex special? All natural

NATURAL FIT - Wide toe box allows for toes to spread and relax
NATURAL MOTION - Flexible roll up to fit in pack or pocket. TerraFlex flexes your foot naturally. The no-height zero drop heel allows for proper posture and low balance and agility from ground to ground.
NATURAL FEELING - Patented FeelTrue sole stimulates the foot (and brain), giving you feedback and irritation from the ground. I want it.

Trail Grip 4mm Rugged Sole

The sole is embedded with a 3mm layer of BareFoam for added comfort and protection.

Huarache sandal inspired reflective lace system protects the heel. Adjustable instep strap supports midfoot

LIGHTWEIGHT - Each M9 weighs only 9 oz.

Latex free. Not an animal product. Vegan Friendly

PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED - Zero shoes have a 5,000 miles sole warranty. Visit the sellers website for more details.

Size: Please follow the steps above to ensure correct fit.

Other sizes and colors can be found on our website.

Order yours today! Live life first with your new Xero shoe.