
●◆ Medium Size Approx: Height 50 cm x Width 21 cm
●◆ new 絹本 本紙: ◆ fabric: Field of Flowers plays ◆ stamped with a golden tassel ◆ cosmetic storage box
●Designed with stand
●★ After ordering, PC, click (or mobairu·suma-tofonpe-zi Please contact us) [account by E-Mail than service to your order history – > partners] about this order, your childs name on the bottom. Please attention For Sure if you are converting your kanji name. ◆ The processing time of 7 – 10 days on time delivery.


"Gift 名入 掛軸"
◆ Medium Size Approx: Height 50 cm x Width 21 cm
◆ new 絹本 本紙:
◆ fabric: Field of Flowers plays stamped
◆ Designed with stand
◆ With a golden tassel
◆ cosmetic storage box
★ The picture to is a Female name in one box.
* * * Note Please check your own, please write the childs name.
:○○( name surname are not in included)
< >
◆ 雛人形 to match your sizes to choose from Available in Small, Medium, Large and.
◇ Small sizes are sold in rage as possible.
◇ All Sizes are sold in rage as possible.
◇ sold in large size is the rage after we receive your order.