Feature(may vary by option.)

●#360 in Womens Walking Shoes (Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry)

[dark brown]


[brown (bronze)]


Product Description

The upper is made of sheep leather and is designed for bunion-friendly bunions.

Brand Introduction
It is a growing trend nowadays to start walking for weight loss and health. Walking has been proven to promote blood circulation and burn body fat, but if you do not consider walking properly, you can also reduce trouble from the burden on your feet. Therefore, Otsuka shoes are Bon Step. Based on medical and scientific data, this product achieves a comfortable unity between the foot and the shoes. It gently wraps the entire foot and has a rounded shape with no corners that fit the inside of the shoe to the shape of the foot. In addition, the urethane soles and other materials are made to reduce the impact of your feet as you walk. Thats why Bon Step is less fatigued, comfortable and allows you to enjoy healthy walking.

