Feature(may vary by option.)

●Contents: 1.1 oz (30 g) per bag
●Material: 100% Wool






Easy to use natural color wool.
The short fibers and coarse texture make it perfect for a wide range of uses, such as bags that have a lot of friction and small items that use a needle.

Natural Blend Crayon Colors.
A subtle blend of 4 to 5 different colors to create a deep color.
From base use to crayon tones, we recommend it as a classic color that can be used in a wide range of ways, from base to color schemes.

Why the natural blend is supported by many writers...
The unique blend of English wool and merino makes it the perfect quality for felting.
The English wool is highly sublime, and when it is made into the creation, it is thick and sturdy.
Merino creates a soft texture.
Water felt and needle felt will produce the same effect.

Contents: 1.1 oz (30 g) per bag.
Material: 100% Wool

(From Amazon.co.jp)