Feature(may vary by option.)

●It can prevent forced school to your home. An important feature to protect you and your family
●The stainless steel anti-theft door chain is strong and beautiful
●Security door chain used to protect front wood doors
●Anti-theft door chain is especially suitable for people who live alone, and visitors can still open the door partially while still being safe
●The anti-theft door chain is easy to install, and the installation process is easy and understandable

[160mm B Black]

[160mm B Red Bronze]


It can be mounted on any type and size door.
Chain Length: 6.3 inches (160 mm)
Color: Steel Color, B Green Bronze, B Black, B Steel Color, B Gold, B Red Bronze
Package includes 1x door security chain
Products are measured manually, there may be errors. If you mind it, please put your order in a place carefully.
If you have any questions, please contact our customer service.