Feature(may vary by option.)

●#270 in Table Tennis Racket Shake Hands Grips


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素材:5枚合板 サイズ:全長254×幅148mm(グリップ/長さ100×厚さ24mm) 仕様その他:グリップ形状:シェークハンド·フレア●2013総合 特徴:ソフトな打球感コンパクトブレード

From the Manufacturer

Nittaku Table Tennis Paddle ShakeNittaku Table Tennis Paddle Shake

Category: Shakehand Classification: All-round Plywood Composition: 5 wood plywood Size: Blade: 6.1 x 5.8 inches (154 x 148 mm); Grip: FL 3.9 x 0.9 inches (100 x 24 mm); Weight: 3.9 oz (85 g); Speed: Mid Throw; Plate Thickness: 0.2 mm); Hitting Feel: Soft; Country of Origin: China

Compact blade with soft hitting feel

Soft 5-ply plywood holds the ball securely and has a compact blade for a stable play

The photo is for illustration purposes only, color and shape may differ depending on the model number selected.