Feature(may vary by option.)

●Environmentally friendly indoor compartment display tape without lead or PVC.
●For indoor facilities such as factories, offices, gymnasiums, and stores, as a passage display to smooth floors.
●Size (Thickness x Width x Length), Quantity: 0.06 x 2.0 x 16.4 ft (0.16 mm x 50 mm x 50 m), 1 box (18 rolls / individually shrink-wrapped)
●Color: Red
●Adhesion Strength [N/0.8 in (20 mm) 24.00 Tensile Strength [N/20 mm) 100 Extension [%] 1400





This is an environmentally friendly indoor divider tape with polyolefin film that contains no harmful heavy metals and an adhesive that contains no organic solvents. Each roll is shrink-wrapped.