Feature(may vary by option.)

●Precept Laddie Extreme Double Dozen Golf Balls Features:
●High speed muscle fiber core for maximum distance
●372 aerodynamic dimple design helps maintain true flight of the wind
●Explosive driver, high launch and low spin for maximum distance
●The Touch N Control Incammer Cover provides excellent control for short games



Precept Laddie Extreme 24 Golf Balls Better control and great value for better distance. Precept Laddie Extreme 24 golf balls are perfect for golfers looking to maximize their distance with added control and value. High-speed muscle fiber center explods the tee off and eliminates side spin to help you find the fairway. Precept Laddie Extreme Double Dozen Golf Balls Features: high-speed muscle fiber center for maximum distance The 372 aerodynamic dimple design holds a true flight in the wind. Explosive driver off with high launch and low spin for maximum distance Touch the N Control inomer cover for superior control in short games. For players who want long distances. 24 Golf Balls