Feature(may vary by option.)

●#624 in Womens Tanks & Camis






100% silk tank top with a beautiful drape on the chest! This elegant and luxurious elegant top is suitable for formal occasions such as casual gatherings. It is sure to be useful as an inner layer for a jacket. An elegant luster and smooth smooth feel with an exquisite texture. The jacket and layered style make your outfit look gorgeous. It is just the right thickness and has excellent elasticity. It is made of a beautiful sheen and smooth texture, and soft silk that wraps around your skin (*´´´´ *) Silk is composed of a protein that is said to be a second skin, and it has a natural fiber that is similar to human skin, and it has an elegant and unique luster and smooth texture. Because it has excellent heat retention, it is warm and easy to dry in the winter, so you can keep your skin clean and inhibit the growth of bacteria, so it is recommended for people with sensitive skin, atopic skin, and sweaty sweats. Therefore, the size is not tight, so you can choose with confidence.