Feature(may vary by option.)

●Fluffy and voluminous leopard print scrunchies
●The simple design makes it perfect for a wide range of outfits regardless of the occasion
●Simply match with simple bundles or loose hair for an improved look. Complete a feminine and mature silhouette
●Perfect for bundled hair with a rough and feminine cuteness
●When you want to change your mood... Change the impression by the position and height of your hair tie. The fun way to change the impression depending on the position and height of your hair tie

[Design A]

[Design E]

[Design B]

[Design C]


Fluffy and voluminous leopard print scrunchies.
The simple design makes it perfect for a wide range of outfits regardless of the occasion.
Simply match with simple bundles or loose hair for an improved look. Complete a feminine and mature silhouette.
Perfect for bundled hair with a rough and feminine cuteness.
When you want to change your mood... Change the impression by the position and height of your hair tie. The fun way to change the impression depending on the position and height of your hair tie.