Feature(may vary by option.)

●#2,907 in Suitcases

[black carbon]

[silver carbon]

[white carbon]


Product Description

Free checked checked size (total of 3 sides within 62.2 inches (158 cm)). *Size regulations vary depending on airline and boarding class.
Surface finish; Mirror surface
Casters: 4 wheels
1 Year Warranty (Included)
Uses PC fiber.

The body material uses PC fiber which is a special material developed for suitcases.
The strength of polycarbonate (PC) used in hard cases and the flexibility of fibers (fibers) used in soft cases.
Unique development techniques combine together.

Capacity expansion function (5603-70 only)

Double zipper for extra capacity
The width of the gusset is approximately 2.0 inches (5 cm). You can rest assured even when shopping at your destination.

Brand Story

そんな多様なニーズに応えるべく「新しい旅の提案」を理念にLegend Walkerは誕生しました。