Feature(may vary by option.)

●Basic specifications: 2l Size Storage, 2/2 fold surface (vertical length)
●Material: Paper; Weight: About G
●Cover dimensions: H189 x W140 x D4 mm
●Pockets inside: W112 x H162 抜寸 law
●Accessories Included: 1 message cards





/five three mats, your birthday, graduation gift to family, school, kindergarten, Grandma design perfect for gift for anniversary in your garden ceremonies such as shown in the photograph. Mount is pocket type with, just plug your pictures and complete set. Comes with a message card so you can can also send it with your words and pictures. 2l Size (kyabine) photos is the tee holds 2 Portrait Orientation with. or 1 PCs the pictures and the other side has plug in your own personal message card. The cover material has a warm feel and supple texture with a fainpe-pa- tanto ". Front cover has the 斤量 100kg (70kg) as a little extra thick paper thickness: with synthetic paper in general, tanto the crisp style of the original value on the market. Has the same pictures into the pockets for a 斤量 100kg (70kg) What you used in general, pockets reduce the deflection of the frame on the market.