Feature(may vary by option.)

●#3,757 in Mens Necklaces



A classic from the popular coin necklace features turquoise stones with a ヴxinte-ziamerikan necklace.
Worm like antique 50 cent coin of the United States currency in the shield shaped like they have been cut to a design.
The Silver Gold in addition to featuring a vibrant turquoise top of the two large chest allows you to exert and firm presence.
You will use and effective accents to add to the simple outfit youll love design regardless of gender.
● Model data
Height 180 cm Weight 60kg
Wear Size: One Size
Chain length about 80 cm (adjustable)
Silver Coin Width Approx. 2.3 cm Width Approx. 2.4 cm
Gold Coin Width Approx. 1.5 cm Width Approx. 1.6 cm
Turquoise Diameter is approximately 0.7 cm
Alloy/Leather Cord/acrylic
PM – 7426