
●参考純正品番:13510-2W201 | 13510-2W200 | 5-886126894 | 13510-2W201 | 13510-2W200 | QA101564


* The product image is an image.
Musashi oil seals kurankusyahutooirusi-ru n2358
Quantity 1 piece
kurankusyahutotaimingukaba- side pulley is used, and crank to prevent the items inside the case.
High temperature and heat resistant for use on material on the market.
[Suitable for]
■ Front
UD torakkusukondoru nsz1 °F24, nsz2 °F24, nsz4 °F24, nsz5 °F24, ntz2 °F24, ntz3 °F24 Nissan Atlas sz1 °F24, sz2 °F24, sz4 °F24, sz5 °F24, tz2 °F24, tz3 °F24, land ate50 Elgrand, atwe50, caravan cwge25, cwmge25, dwge25, dwmge25, vwe25, vwme25, Safari wty61, sibirian ecw41, ehw41, ejw41, evw41, TerraMax Rhino bxl-tr50, TerraMax Rhino Retro Glasses jtr50 Isuzu Como jcwge25, jcwmge25, jdwge25, jdwmge25, jvwe25, jvwme25, bus secw41, sehw41 jate50 jatwe50, Philly Philly jate50, sejw41, sevw41, Fargo, jatwe50, MiniCoach jdwge25, jdwmge25
* * * Product details/specifications and installation method, please please please refer to the manufacturers website.