Feature(may vary by option.)

●Color: Orange
●Buoyancy: 0
●Size: Φ1.4 x 15.4 inches (30.0 x 39.0 mm).
●Weight: 0.9 oz (24.4 g).

[Namida φ35 Orange]


Product Type: Sports, Outdoors, Fishing, Small Items (Hook, Line, Rigging, Floating), Float, Outdoors, Fishing, Traveling Supplies, Fishing, Fishing, Fishing Equipment, Cockoffs and Fukase.
[Basic specifications] Namida Φ 1.4 inches (35 mm) Φ 1.4 inches (35.0 mm) × 1.5 inches (39.0 mm) color, orange, yellow, pink
[Size] Weight: 000 → 25.0 g00 → 24.6 g0 → 24.4 g2 → 24.1 gB → 23.9 g2B → 23.7 g3B → 23.4 g4B → 23.0 g5B → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → → 2222222222222 0.4g1 .5 → 18.4 g2.0 → 16.3 g
Manufacturer: Grex Plus
[Series] Namida
JAN Code: 4560421032432~
[Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price] Manufacturers recommended retail price is based on the manufacturers catalog.
Target Fish Species: Black Sea Breather (Cordai, Chinu, Maita), Mejina (Black), Blues, Madai, and other fushinese fish.
[Field] Sea water (salt water)
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