Feature(may vary by option.)

●Frame only
●Material: Graphite


Some people call it the definition of power. You will call it your unfair advantage. We call it Pure Drive. Babolat launched Pure Drive in 1994 and quickly established the benchmark of power. Every subsequent model has been innovated and evolved to meet the demands of the game. Its no wonder Pure Drive is one of the most popular and versatile racquets in the world. The 10th generation of Pure Drive takes your game to the next level with increased point end explosion and feel. Pure Drive Team is dedicated to players seeking a strong, yet lightweight racquet for better handling. HTR System - High Torsion Rigidity (HTR) system features a new layup configuration for racquet hoops to increase rigidity and create explosive winners freely. SWX PURE FEEL - New technology featuring extended wrapping with SMAC technology. The state-of-the-art vibration filter system integrated into the layup configuration provides unparalleled feel against ball impact and unique sound for every shot. Elliptical Frame - Oval frame construction provides optimum resistance and overall rigidity for incredible power.