Feature(may vary by option.)

●Set of 6 dodgeballs. Color: Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, Blue, Purple. Please refer to to the size: 20.3 cm (8 ).





[8 inch 6 sets assorted]



[2.75 in Set of 6]

[6.3 inch-neon pink]









Outside or Inside
Our Champion Sports Dodgeballs are perfect for all kinds of kids games, including handball, kickball, and four squares. From the playground to the gym class, this soft and powerful ball will provide hours of fun and fun. Popular in schools, summer camps, recreational centers, recreational leagues and family.

Coated with patented Rhino Skin, these balls are built to last. Can withstand the rigors of play and everyday outdoor use. Designed and manufactured in Sweden, the high-tech Rhino Skin is extremely tough and virtually indestructible. Quality is strong.

Fun for adults too!
Fun for adults too! Dodgeball is perfect for summer barbecues, birthday parties, tournaments, or adult gatherings. Or its time to join the whole family out and enjoy action! The game is fun and interactive. It is also a great way to sneak through some special physical activities.

Rhino Skin is designed as a non-stick coating and when hit like a large rubber ball, these playground balls wont scratch or leave behind. Lightweight and sponge, safe for kids, but sturdy enough for teens and adults.

Foam Core
Our dodgeball has a low density foam core that provides just the right amount of bounce. The ball can reach long distance when flying, but it wont bounce all when landing. Foam core prevents large bouncing and keeps balls from entering the game area even in a giant gym or small driveway.

- Champion Sports Rhino Skin Low Bounce Dodge Ball
- Patented Non-StingRino Coating
- Low bounce foam core
- Foam density 28kg/m3