Feature(may vary by option.)

●Kit includes all the tools and parts needed to rerace the baseball glove
●3 x 72" strings, leather punch, U-wire needles, steel racing tool
●Includes detailed instructions by John Math, which makes the relace process easier
●Black webbed




Markwort Tracer Professional Ball Glove Repair Kit extends the life of the glove Who wants to dispose of a soft, worn glove just because the lace is loose? Not to mention a shot. Relace the glove like a pro to maintain the performance of your post-game glove. Markwort Reracer Professional Ball Glove Repair Kit Function: * Relay to extend the life of the glove * Includes: 3 x 72" ties * Leather Punch * U-Wire Needle * Steel Racing Tool * Detailed instructions by John Math, baseball globe relace pro * Relay gloves like a pro.