
●SWING CADDY is a multi swing trainer that allows you to wear a sense of swing rhythm, tempo, balance and timing.
●SWING CADDY is suitable for improving swing, increasing swing power, warming up before going around the golf course to increase distance.
●The special magnetic system is used on the head to produce sound at optimal impact points so you can know the right impact spots.
●By training for sound in optimal position, you can improve swing rhythm and tempo
●The sound is played at the optimal impact point and the sound will be heard again after swinging! Improve your swing accuracy by training for sound in optimal position.


Product description

Swing Caddy is a patented golf swing speed training aid for international patented technology Patented in the United States, China, Japan and Korea "Control scale patented steel head.You can change the swing speed and output.Adjust the desired distance and club head speed (25-280 yards) for both right and left handed.If the first "sound" is left foot when swing It indicates that the swing is too late.Conversely, the sound on the right foot indicates that the swing was too fast.Practicing to make the sound in the right position allows you to gain a sense of club head speed.Patented design and weight are the same as the actual golf club, which is also durable as the actual golf club.

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