
●< > Suitable for vehicle C Class (W205/S205)
●Can auto change to domestic vehicles and as well as the light from the darkness to light up your light to start the timing of your sensitive vents.
●"Summer" is a long 薄暮 or and light and fog away with vents to the light.
●After the tunnel that the markings so you adjust to the fast, and off perfect for hours when parking in the basement, and even out the tunnel 点ki takers. The tunnel to get off immediately if the and does not fade.
●The many domestic cars and vents the starting time before you buy for a more domestic setting timing away from the actual Vest you want to light up the timing to illuminating your vehicle in the United States.


"There is no such anxiety?
Q: Can you make it easy installation (mounting)?
A: Just plug into your vehicles OBD port so you can treat yourself and easy installation.
Q: After the installation is possible to install.?
A: After installation completion can be removed for storage when not batten down to the OBD port. Since it is ok
Q: Installation is in the condition we do not currently no?
A: It is no problem. Real in our shop dealer has repeatedly ready in your vehicle or on the market.
Q: There may not so all thats left to do is after installation?
A: It is specially designed so it is possible to change the program, can change the system of the original genuine "place" not instantaneously.? There is no leaving you worry free.
Q: Will support after you buy this?
A: After the purchase or an expert staff to support. Sells If is not the end.
Q: Make on their own. What are you doing?
A: Yes Check Board from design and development, 実車 program data such as all on their own. The
This pit is perfect to to collect data, etc, to your place with our company developed for installation and there are exquisite and can be used, so not a cheap import or sapo – Treble and the distributor is not included. We are the manufacturer.
Landscape installation conditions and mounting is also published in a blog.