Feature(may vary by option.)

●#711 in Womens Traditional Kimonos


Summer silk bi-part kimono that can be worn by yourself without having to tie a sash. Perfect for those who want to enjoy casual kimono. Also great for a short outing. Great as a souvenir for Mothers Day & birthday gifts, or for overseas people. A kimono with separate top and bottom separates. Simply tie the upper body in the front and tie it in 2 places with a drawstring, and the lower body is shaped like a wrap skirt to suit your size, and wrap it around the waist through the belt hole at the top of the skirt. A kimono for summertime from early July to early September. Gama-silk, which uses gobanese yarn, is cool, lightweight, and breathable, making it perfect for summer material. You can also wear a half-collar style with a kimono underwear, or wear it with a t-shirt inside. The color difference from the collar to the tip of the collar makes it more fashionable. With a threshold that is sewn from the back to reinforce the buttocks, it prevents rips and reduces the transparency of the underwear, making it particularly ideal for commercial use where you want to wear and work with kimonos. Polyester material for home washing and easy care. Makes a great gift for Mothers Day, Grandparents Day, and birthdays. It is also popular as uniforms and uniforms at restaurants, Japanese restaurants, inns, and more.