
●Includes 7 point for the automatic counterfeit bills possession, Color, UV, magnetic ink, metal thread, watermark, size and thickness
●The detection of the current new bills and bills.
●Suspect banknotes with warning by visual and voice notification
●Default currencies 香港doru, Euro, igirisupondo, original China, Cana dadoru, Mexican Peso, Swiss francs, US dollars
●All direction for 8 currency with verified


Safescan 185 – The Counterfeit Bills possession of a small are the newest technology and is built using a contemporary currency. Includes 7 Advanced Security Features (, Ink, magnetic ink, metal thread, infrared, color, size:/x/thickness, and inspection and watermark). This technology is dependable, over currency, bills, and even in the most exquisite fake broken can detect up to hundred dollar bills, super notebooks. In just 0.5 seconds, and the money in the hand so you can show this to your real or fake? 100 can be checked to ensure customer will need to debate. fi-dagaido bills are no matter the orientation of the bills, and will always be a possession to be machine feed right kind of us dollar bills.