Feature(may vary by option.)


[gold silver]

[Green Silver]


[blue silver]

[brown silver]

[black silver]


Just stick it with water. Reusable Magic Mirror Film
It is easy to apply even for beginners, since there is no need for glue. It can be easily removed by hand, and does not leave a mark, so it is recommended for rental use.
Blocks 99% of UV rays. Reduces infrared rays by approximately 85%, visible light transmittance by approximately 25%.
It has a high heat insulation and thermal insulation, reducing heating and cooling costs. Blocks out heat from the outside in the summer and keeps warm air from escaping in the winter!
Prevents sunburn and deterioration of flooring materials such as flooring, tatami mats, carpets, etc.
In the daytime, it looks like a mirror from the outside, and you can see the outside from the room. (*At night, you can see the interior from outside. )
You can see the clouds and surrounding scenery reflected from the outdoors, making it a stylish exterior for your home.
Shatterproof glass and water resistant. Protects window glass during emergencies.