
●Boasting a 500 year history Aizu Manufacturers products. Crafted carefully in the market
●The product is not recommended for people who can find the quality of one
●9 choose plate and black painted board one meter pieces
●Black painted piece is commonly used in ○ ○ House Plaque, add your Tombow 霊位 ancestors, can be carved/write supported or is only you will be writing.
●Letters separately pay for delivery


3.0 Dimensions: H15 x 2 Dimensions: H17 x W8 x 3 x D4 x 9 3.5 4 x 6 x Dimensions: H19 x W9 x 1 x D5 x 9 4.0 Dimensions: H21 x W10 x 0 x D6 x 6 4.5 1 x 1 x Dimensions: H23 x W11 x 2 x D7 x 5 5.0 Dimensions: H25 x W11 x 5 x D8 x 4 5.5 7 x 6 x Dimensions: H27 x W13 x 0 x D8 x 8 6.0 x W13 x 5 x D9 x 4 price is different depending on the size