Feature(may vary by option.)

●Sandblast Etched on Hairline Stainless Steel
●After etching, urethane coating is applied and baked on
●The back of the stainless steel front tag is attached to the magnet
●After receiving your order, we will send you an email from the store to fill in details of your desired design. You can change the design over and over again


Product description

This is a simple design with a layout and a great entryway. We offer a magnet on the back of the stainless steel front tag. If you wish to purchase with a stainless steel name tag without optional] or purchase with a bond please order from a different page. Please enter the keyword "Modern Square Chart" in the search window at the top of the Amazon site. If so, the stainless steel name tag comes with an option lineup of [Modern Design] in the search list. Magnets are commercial grade and feature an anatomical surface with a 81 mt density of magnets. Place the 2 magnetic sheets on the back of the front tag. There is a silicone fastener around the magnet (to prevent dust and moisture from entering).

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