
●Item Includes:<br/> · Insert "Tibetan" Red-Blooded Salt of (G) 1 x Bag


When building your 地鎮祭 and opening to store your front entrance, and the Sumo 土俵入ri when you remove the cleansing purifies your space and blessed., negative energy, such as salt, it is an indispensable "Salt".
"Holy Land" Tibet up as "salt" is referred to as a "Laputa – The Holy Land" average elevation over 4000 m in the Tibetan Plateau of Tibet tuxaidamu Bfrom the salt lakes of refined nothing as well as a 100% natural salt lake.
2 billion 5000 million year history from the desert to dig up for about one year to naturally on the crystal of sun and salt lake with salt and is exactly what "and more.