Feature(may vary by option.)



The Kongo Bodhi Tree is easily recognizable by the name. The strength of the vajra means invincible. The particles are very hard. Buddhist meaning "has the power to destroy all evil".
In Buddhism, the four major Kongo trees are often associated with Buddhism.
It is generally believed to be worn by Kongo Bodhi to exude evil, avoid disaster and bring good luck. It is a kind of blessed Bodhi
The most meaningful gift for friends, family and loved ones because it can bring good luck. Buy it as a gift today!
Because these are natural materials, each piece has a unique texture and color. These are inevitable, but also attractive!
Maintenance Instructions:
● Keep your jewelry dry. Do not wear it when swimming or bathing.
Store in an airtight pocket when not in use.
● Please avoid using it with other precious metal jewelry as this may cause abrasion.
● Store jewelry separately. Wipe the surface with a cleaning cloth every day to keep the shine.