

Buddhist Esoteric Law Endless Knot OmmanipemefmBuddhist Esoteric Law Endless Knot Ommanipemefm

Esoteric Accessory

Tibetan Buddhism, which has embraced and developed over 1500 years of history, is the roots of Buddhism. The people who devote to Tibetan Buddhism are made in a country based on Buddhism, aiming to live and cultivate a unique culture. Due to its influence, many ritual and traditions exist in the area that belongs in Tibetan Buddhism. The accessories affected by this are often meaningful to the motifs and materials, and they are actually worn in various ways, such as local monks, etc. Feel the history and respect that the Tibetan accessories have been grown and protected by Tibetan

Esoteric Lucky Symbol

Buddhist Esoteric Law Endless Knot OmmanipemefmBuddhist Esoteric Law Endless Knot Ommanipemefm

Buddhist Esoteric Law Endless Knot OmmanipemefmBuddhist Esoteric Law Endless Knot Ommanipemefm

Buddhist Esoteric Law Endless Knot OmmanipemefmBuddhist Esoteric Law Endless Knot Ommanipemefm

Buddhist Esoteric Law Endless Knot OmmanipemefmBuddhist Esoteric Law Endless Knot Ommanipemefm

Law Equipment (Bajura, Prupa, Kat)

It is a legalization of ancient Indian Esoteric tools called druge, and is used as a symbol of Bodhi to break away troublesome and to represent Buddhist wisdom.

It is said to have powerful spiritual powers to destroy magic, disaster, and carry good luck.

Om Manipemefm

Truth is said to be more closer to Buddha by chanting it in the meaning of silentules, or the words of holy truth. The words called Om (om) represent Tibetan Buddhism, Kwan Yin Bodhisattva and Ommanipemefm "om". It represents the sacred principle of rule the entire universe, and is said to bring longevity and wealth to what you have.

Mani Wheel

Maniguruma is a religious tool used in Tibetan Buddhism. It is cylindrical and has a mantras engraved on the sides and a rolled sentra inside it. In Tibetan Buddhism, it is said to have the same virtues as chanting the mani wheel clockwise (clockwise) and in Bon Christ, turning the machimo car to the left.

Endless Knot

The endless knot (knot) as an ornament or amulet motif, is one of the eight symbols in Tibetan Buddhism, meaning the end of fate. The endless shape of the endless knot is believed to bring the owner health, prosperity and enlightenment.

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