Feature(may vary by option.)

●[Manufactured to Order Product] YKKAP Lucia
●Assurance Walking Handrail (Freestanding Type)
●Kasagi Intermediate Components Composite Color

[Body color: Chocolate walnut]


Product description

Product Number: 60320101
Standard delivery time: 5 to 10 days for shipping
●Shipping Classification: 【1】
Size: Depth 47.8 inches (1197.0 mm)
Color: Composite color
Material: Aluminum
The simple and flat design of the umbrella will support a gentle everyday life.
Note: 1 piece
The price is for one piece or a pair.
For cutting the horizontal grid, you can use existing coupling parts. If you want to use it in two separate counts, one set is required for each grid.
If both ends of the hassa trees become sloped joints, you must have at least 1 (standard) column set in between them.
For walking aid, use at a height of 3.3 ft (1 m) from G.L.

Legal Disclaimer

[For customers who buy in kg]
Standard delivery time: 5 to 10 days for shipping
●Shipping Classification: 【1】
If there is a "Normally ships within ○-○ days, it may be delayed due to discontinued release or out of stock.
If you find these situations, please contact us by email and we will delay shipment or cancel your order. We appreciate your understanding.