
●Size (W x H x D): 4.9 x 1.0 x 2.4 inches (126
●[Material] Blade: High Speed Steel SKH-51, Handle: Sakura



Developed with the theme of "tools required by professional modelers." This product "Dokyuyo Kogyo x HJ Modelers Selection HJ Chisel Ultra Fine Flat Blade 0.02 inch (0.5 mm) wide" has been realized as a dohidamo and hj modelers selection.
This is a super precision chisel made by a special manufacturing "Dokyuyo Kogyo Co., Ltd., a number of chisels for high-precision models.
Uses steel with high speed steel (SKH-51), which is 3 times more durable than ordinary steel for outstanding sharpness.
The 0.02 inch (0.5 mm) wide ultra-fine flat blade allows for ultra-precise work.

Product Size: W 4.9 x H 1.0 x T2.4 inches (126 x 25 x
Blade: High Speed Steel SKH-51, Handle: Sakura


Please read the description carefully and handle with care