
●Size: Width 51.2 inches (130 cm) x Length 53.1 inches (135 cm) x 1 sheet (*All the items we carry are orders, so please contact us with your desired size and we will provide you with your order processing etc. Width: 51.2 inches (130 cm): Fits windows of 49.2 - 51.2 inches (125 - 130 cm) (*Please note that the final image effect of the cut may differ depending on the length of your selection. )
●Material: Polyester. It is gentle to the touch and has a natural texture. Accessories: Adjuster hook + tassels included. Installation: Comes with hooks attached to the curtain so you can easily attach it to the curtain rod
●Energy Saving and Comfortable: Blackout + Decoration: Blocks approximately 90% of light and light shielding ratio: 1. Summer and heat shielding blocks outside heat in the summer and reduces room temperature rising and increases cooling efficiency. 2. Winter and Heat Retention: Blocks cold air outside in winter, keeping warm air out of the room, improving your heating efficiency
●(Double curtain specifications) Hang on a single curtain rod. Blackout curtains and lace curtains are integrated into the top of this one piece curtain to brighten up your room. Both Japanese and Western rooms are perfect for creating an elegant atmosphere
●(Quality Guarantee) 1. If the package breaks, please refuse it. We accept returns. 2. If the product is shipped by our company, please contact us within 7 days after the product arrives. We accept returns and exchanges. Note: Since the product is folded and shipped, please understand that the creases may be possible

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