
●● All the products we carry are ordered, so please contact us with the size you want and we will guide you through the order process. Please note that the final image effect of the cut may differ from the actual product depending on the length you choose
●[Materials/Fabric]: Polyester; Fold: 1.5 times pleat; Functions: Light shielding (light shielding rate: about 90%) + Decoration("Decorate art on windows". Update (curtain that greatly changes the impression of your room. )
●Star Pattern: The blackout curtain is laser cut to create a star engraving, and the light will shine through the pattern, and the stars fall on the bed, floor, or wall, and the stars will sparkle in the night sky around the room. Even if the star pattern is cut out, it can also be used to block light. It will make your room mysterious Hooks: All curtain hooks are adjusters. Adjusting the adjuster can be adjusted to about 0.4 inch (1 cm) longer or shorter by about 1.2 inch (3 cm). The curtain will be delivered with the adjuster hook attached to the curtain, so it can be easily attached to the curtain rod. Features: Suitable for rails and decorative rails
●Thermal Insulation and Privacy Protection: Reduces heat outside in the summer and reduces room temperature rises and improves cooling efficiency. Keep cold air out in the winter and warm air out of the room to improve your heating efficiency. Chat down from the outside! You can rest assured that even at night you wont have to worry about your eyes from outside. You can rest assured that even if you live alone
●Applications: Can be used in a variety of locations: For insulation in living rooms, insulation around windows, room partitions, kitchen blinds, blocking cold and warm air from stairs, covering out your dressing rooms, dressing rooms, room and cold weathering, as a front hiding or changing air in the entryway, or as an alternative to door for entrances and entryways, or as a blackout glass covered blind, or as a bath divider

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