
●Lotus Life’s educational Stringed Things is excellent for manual dexterity. It’s said that fine work with fingertips greatly affects early brain development, and aside from intellect, it also enhances athletic skills and concentration, and improves social skills.   It’s gained attention from elite education around the world! Stringing play has been adopted in countries all over the world and even in the highly-regarded Montessori Method and Steiner education. Age: From about 4 to 5 years old.
●Attracts interest and is full of ingenuity so they’ll be completely absorbed and play for a long time!There’s plenty of cute fruit with colons! Each one is a different color and different design for endless play without getting tired of it. A design that allows play aside from just stringing, such as your child playing house with a younger sibling.
●Easy to play with and safe for kids even if it’s their first time with a string. (1) To make it easy for children to hold, we added a thick, round handle. (2) Improved with wider bead holes: We actually interviewed kids to figure out the size with the best feeling. Easy to carry!Custom tidying bag included.
●Safety and Security Initiatives: A woodworker with reliable skill carefully finished each one.Because kids use them, skilled craftsmen polish each one to prevent burrs and splinters and finish them for a smooth surface.
●Lotus Life’s Commitment to Added Education: (1) The relationship between brain development and the feel of wood: Plastic is man-made with a fixed feel, but trees are created by nature. It produces an intricate and comfortable feel that humans can never make and increases stimulation of the brain from the fingertips. (2) Colorful shades with a focus on “color training”: The Lotus Life Stringed Things nurture concentration and a sense of color through identification of various colors and creation of your child’s own combinations.


Product description

Lotus Life Stringed Things is popular as a colorful and intriguing educational toy. Both boys and girls can train their dexterity and concentration while playing.


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