
●The Cherry in the fluffy friendly texture and sparkly this 几帳 décor. Cherry Blossom with a gentle face, with spring for lookin Festival of dolls.<br/> [Size] overall (Width 40 x Depth 30 x x 几帳 22 cm Tall)<br/> Woman chicks (9 cm Tall)<br/> Hanging Ornament (width 10 x Height (9 cm)
●Rayon Crepe · Field of glass, other
●Dolls Festival 几帳 · bonbori (one pair) Cherry Go (菱餅 毛氈 · décor base % Brand new
●Japan (Kyoto)
●Making surfaces and due to the fabric pattern gives your pictures and may be slightly different. Thanks for your understanding.


For the face is friendly, warmth smiles and warmth in a crepe fabric in 雛人形. Entrance or can also hang it on the wall with our shop original bonus mini hang decoration has a 初節句 chock full of definition.
"結納 having 長生 Hall" is our founding 80 年余 結納, traditional crafts in specialty stores. 大丸 高島屋 · 松坂屋 近鉄百貨店 · 阪神百貨店 and dominance in the United States.