
●Made of a PVC material with strong adhesion and resistance to tearing.
●It’s a round sticker that sticks to curved surfaces easily, and is resistant to peeling.
●With it’s laminated surface, the printed part is completely protected so it’s highly resistant to water and the weather.
●It’s completely original, so you’re car will be unique. (Be careful of imitation products.)

[M size 2 piece set White Magnetic Type (Japanese)]

[M size 1 piece set black white (English)]

[M size 2 piece set Black Magnetic Type (Japanese)]

[M size 2 piece set black (English)]

[M size 1 set Black Magnetic Type (Japanese)]

[M size 1 piece set white (English)]

[M size 1 piece set white (Japanese)]

[M size 1 piece set black white (Japanese)]

[M size 1 piece set black magnet type (English)]

[M size 2 piece set White (English)]


Product description

This is a sticker for the rear of your car that prevents tailgating and stops cars from getting too close. It encourages drivers behind you to be careful, and deters them from trying to maliciously drive you off the road, or harass you. In addition, it’s effective at preventing rear-end collisions. This completely original product is an outdoor use, sticker (decal type) that adheres to exterior surfaces. It is made of a high quality sheet material that is water and weather resistant, with a laminated base that’s printed with solvent ink, and that’s not susceptible to UV light.  ※ Depending on your monitor, please note that the color may appear slightly different in the picture and on the actual product.


本製品はトラブルを100%回避するものではありません。その他トラブルや法令に関する責任は当社では負いませんので、予めご了承ください。 ·製品の特性上、加工時、配送時に表面に薄いキズがつく場合がございます。 ·本製品に発光·反射機能はございません。車体の水分·汚れ等をよく拭き取ってから貼りつけてください。 ·強粘着シールにより貼り直しは難しいためご注意ください。 ·貼りつけから長期間が経った後にはがして破棄する場合、お湯を含ませた布をシールに当て続けると、固まった糊が柔らかくなり、はがれやすくなります。·保管状況、利用状況によっては色褪せ、剥がれがある場合もあります、予めご了承ください。 本商品はMonomania(モノマニア)のオリジナル商品であり専売品です。·製品機能やデザインは、改良のため予告なく変更となる場合があります。予めご了承ください。