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An additional module to connect to PIECE (ZZ-01/ZZ02). The PIECE Additional Module Set 2 comes with a FLIP FLOP module that can be used to set outputs and reset, LATCH to memorize state, and an AND, OR, or XOR module that basics of logic. By combining the logical circuits to solving everyday problems, it helps you to logically understand how you work around you. Note: In order to operate this device, you will need the product piece (ZZ-01, ZZ-02) that includes a separate power supply module (sold separately).

Module Description

AND(and) 2 inputs emit an on signal when both are on signal. OR (OR) When either of the two inputs will emit an on-signal XOR: When both of the two inputs are the same signal, it will produce off signal and an on signal when the signal is different from each other. NoT (knot) input signal and opposite state. It will produce off signal when an on-signal is entered, and it will emit an on signal when the off signal is entered. SPLIT(split) splits into two inputs. FLIP-FLOP (Flip Flop) When an on-signal is entered in input 1 (set input), it will produce a sound signal until the on-signal is entered in input 2 (reset input). Each LATCH (latch) On signal is inputed, it reverses the state of the output signal. For example, when the output is on signal, the output will be off signal. Use when you want to keep the cable module a little bit apart.