
●Indicates the deflection of the brown tube in the electric field and proves that the brown tube is a flow of negatively charged particles. (i.e. the flow of electronics)
●The product consists of a blister, baffle, highlighter, electrode, negative, anode, bakelite sheet, etc
●The electrostatic effect of the cathode conduit shows that when you first turn on a low voltage power supply and turn the induction coil to generate a cathode line, the phosphoric plate shows that the band-like mark appears on the phosphorus
●Then turn on the DC high voltage current to form an electric field. At this time, when the cathode line passes through the highlighter, the banded trajectory will deflect towards the electrode plate of the high potential
●As the voltage regulator transformer changes in output voltage (i.e., changes in DC high voltage changes the electrical field strength), the deflection angle of the band track: according to the polarity deflection, the cathode line can be confirmed that the cathode wire is helper charge. The flow of particles such as negatively charged particles is electronic
