
●Design: No belt / Comes with card storage made of Tochigi leather, this wallet style smartphone case is made with Tochigi leather. Even with its simple design
●Color: Available in a wide variety of colors, so it can be used by both men and women of all ages
●Storage Pocket: There is a storage pocket inside the notebook case, so you can put IC cards, point cards, etc. ※If the notebook case does not react with the case closed, open the notebook case and touch it
●[Compatible models] Xperia 1 IV SO-51C, Xperia 1 IV SOG06, Xperia 1 IV , Xperia 1 IV XQ-CT44 *The posted image is a sample image
●[Caution] The product has been defect initially within 1 week after the product arrives

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