

This is a lightweight flex chassis set from the competitive drift brand "Teams" created by the team Yokomo. The lightweight graphite main chassis plate and dedicated lightweight battery holder set is attractive with moderate rigidity and high traction to support racy runs. Based on a slim, stylish design, the bold butcher and milling bottom carefully adjusts to balance weight and rigidity. Not only does it enhance rear traction, but it also has a flex balance that is focused on the load on the front tire and has a responsive response to steering operation. It incorporates the idea of taking advantage of the pliability of the chassis material, and the FR/RF sass mount is compatible with separate types, so it can be constructed without hindering the flexibility. The battery holder also features a compact separated shape to maximize the overall chassis plate and gives you a highly responsive feel on road surfaces and extreme throttle operation. It can also be equipped with a gear box for R/Z, but you will need a dedicated upper deck, etc. The R series battery position is not supported. If you have an R upper deck, you cannot use the upper deck post. When attaching to the Z chassis, the lower side of the upper deck post interferes with the battery holder, so please cut the lower side of the post according to the circumstances.