

Verbatims DVD-Rewritable use a Super Eutectic Recording Layer (SERL). SERL ensures that noise-isolation – FREE recording can be enjoyed time and time again. With conventional rewritable media, the recording layer deteriorates with every rewrite, meaning a decrease in quality. With Verbatim rewritable media however, the recording layer is returned to perfect condition on every erase cycle, leaving a flawless disc for the next recording. DVD-RW is a sequential read/write media primarily designed for video recording and streaming backup applications. DVD-RW discs can be written over 1000 times. A number of DVD-ROM drives and DVD video players support DVD-RW. Since its foundation Verbatim has been at the forefront of the evolution in data storage technology. Today Verbatim remains one of the most recognizable names in the data storage industry. Customer – driven, Verbatim is known for adding considerable product value – above and beyond its competitors – to established media technology. Along with its technological innovations, Verbatim is recognized 400-sheet universally for its superior manufacturing practices. This Commitment to Quality translates into consistent product performance and reliability.: