
●Choose Caliper Color
●Introducing a genuine front fork disc kit
●The original front fork has been realized in the front disc braking
●It also uses a 4POD NC caliper with the same design as the KEPSPEED wide swing arm (8" type)
●That means you can enjoy the powerful braking power of your shaved caliper at 8 inches

[Caliper Color: Green]


Product description

This product is KEPSPEED which manufactures high grade aluminum parts.
【Installation Instruction】
You will need our front wheel disc hub (or equivalent) to use.
If you are using other hubs, you may need to replace or add parts included in the kit.
Also some parts may be required to adjust the wheel center.
Mounting inner pipe is intended for drum brakes, but requires cutting (or bending) brake wire stays.
Both Ducks Challis can be used on the front fork with Jabbalah boots.
However, the left and right side of the inner suspension must be replaced and changed to the right disc.
Also, please note that there are no safety distance as recommended by motorcycle manufacturers, such as isolation between parts.
Please use the L-shaped valve type on the tire tube. (*See images)
For upright valves or L-shaped valves (normal orientation), the valve may come into contact with the caliper
Please pay attention to the so-called "initial looseness" occurrence and perform frequent inspections to avoid unexpected troubles.
FI monkey has not been verified.


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