
●The special cleaning solution and special non-woven fabric are used to remove stubborn contact stains easily.
●Solvent refillable and reusable.
●Solvent less stick to your hand.
●Made in Japan


Product description

The gate doesnt open even though it has an ETC card! It will not fade so much. It will also cause annoying for later vehicles. Will your ETC car unit fail? Do not suspect before you think. Many causes IC card to read contact. Some of the repairing requests for ETC car machines is a bad contact caused by dirt on the contacts that read the IC card. With this product, you can easily clean contact points without disassembling your ETC car unit. Always be prepared for times of emergency. Although this cleaner is sold for ETC car contractors and repair shops, it is recommended that users use it to prevent trouble. You can also keep it in your car in case of emergency. (Please note that the included cleaning fluid is easy to evaporate, so be careful when storing in high temperatures. )


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