
●Removable connector for easy installation and removal
●Can be used in the same housing
●Can be installed without damaging the actual device
●No solenoid clicking sound when lost coin mode

[Universal B type]


Many of our customers want to retrofit the actual machine that you already have a coin free coin! We want to replace the actual equipment you bought from other stores. We want to meet your needs. Because of its strong mind, the gold is a connector-free coin free machine that anyone can easily switch to all modes during Gold Light play. If you want to play with a coin, you can remove the gold light and plug it back into the original wire. Installation and removal is possible without cutting any wires on the actual unit.

The combination of the stop button and the start lever makes it easy for anyone to change the mode with a single push. You can easily enjoy 3 modes of coinless, semi-auto, and auto.

Currently compatible manufacturers are only available in Universal Arzé, Mizho, Eleco, Across and Messi.

Can be used for different models (models of the same type of group can be used repeatedly)
Madoka Magica 2 / Madoka / Magica AMA / Basilisk 3 / Aztec Sun Crest / Dead or Alive 5 / Star Ocean / Another God Poseidon / Ragnarox Saga / Contractor Million Arthur Mens cram