Feature(may vary by option.)

●Country of Origin: Japan
●Wood Screen Lava Sleeve Inside Opening Strike
●Panel thickness: 1.4 - 1.6 inches (36 - 40
●Please refer to the image for relation with the slide bolts and the bolts with the display

[For external opening]

[For interior opening]


Rabatory Strike for inside opening Compatible panel thickness 36-40mm Drill a hole in the screen, through the bolt to tighten and secure it. Bolt-on interior and exterior for use on small tapered doors Please see images for related to sliding bolts and bolts with displays.

From the Manufacturer

Best Rabatory Strike #605Best Rabatory Strike #605

No.605 Lavatory Strike


Rabatory StrikeDrill a hole in the screen, through the bolt to tighten and secure it.Bolt-on both inside and out, so it can be used on doors with small taper openings.

The image uses the "external opening".


Cannot be used with marble or terrazzo.

Product Specifications

  • Application: Wood Screen Lava Trees
  • Material: Stainless steel SUS304
  • Panel thickness: 1.4 - 1.6 inches (36 - 40

Product information