
●【High Quality Material】: The waterproof cover of the patio table has been upgraded to 420D high density oxford polyester fabric with PU inner waterproof lining. Protect your furniture from damaging UV rays. The material is tear resistant, more strong against rain, wind, dust and snow. , bad weather, bird droppings This will extend the life of the cover
●【Tear Resistant and UV Protection】:Made of amazing hydrophobic material, the double-bound edges perfectly protect the cover from cracking. The inner layer is coated with a UV resistant coating to provide excellent protection in the sun
●Wind Resistant Cover: Outdoor furniture covers are waterproof and breathable, protecting your furniture from rain, snow, and dust. The adjustable drawstring on the garden table cover completely prevents blowing away and ensures a good grip. Your furniture will be safe, clean and dry even in harsh environments
●【Cover Garden Furniture Dimensions】: (Lx W x H) The protective cover is suitable for covering tables, chairs, rectangular patio tables, rattan furniture, or oval garden furniture. Please check the dimensions of your garden furniture before purchasing
●【Easy to Clean and Store】: Easy to clean, rinse with water and dry with a dry towel. Easy to fold. Comes with a waterproof zippered bag for easy storage and transportation

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