
●No Glossy rappingusi-to protective film silver
●[Size] 152 x 152 x 100 Qty 50 Quantity 2 minutes not separated from the USA.
●[Material]: [Thickness] 0.12 
●[Durable Years] about 2 年年 used by the heat-resistant, waterproof, curved back, fluted
●Interior panels, bonnet to roof or effect adjustable 152 W


Product description

Shiny for bodyirappingu rappingusi-to. Roof or even your body other than your interior and also can be used for home furniture such as in the table. Curved for easy installation with adhesive so it is heat-resistant, water resisted heat gun, heat in the dryer and stretch are machined using the air without grooves and air resistant to bite, easy to installation. Less residue leave the adhesive Easy to peel off so it can be even over time. A little fail to stick it.


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